About Me

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Naperville, Illinois, United States
Wife, mother, grandmother, aunt, sister, in-law, cousin, friend, gardner, golfer, animal and nature enthusiast.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

April Fool's Day

Yesterday was the day for setting up appointments with the oncologist and radiologist for after the surgery. All of that went well, it appears that my life will be consumed with doctors for awhile.

In the meantime, we will be enjoying life just as it is. Tonight is Wednesday, so we will be going over to Jessica's in LaGrange to have dinner with her and David. We're bringing Sheperd's Pie and our smiles. It's always fun to see David run around his own home.

Jay and I are also hoping to get out to the garden to do some more cleanup. I'm always optimistic that spring is coming and we (Jay) even put the deck furniture out yesterday. I took the winter bird bath (Jay calls it the 'boiler') down and the two bird baths are set up in the garden. I'll also be putting out hummingbird feeders soon, maybe today.

Oh, yeah, I also have a new attitude short hairstyle! My stylist was great yesterday. He took an hour plus and showed me how to style it in different ways and then didn't charge me. That almost made me cry! So, I left him a great big tip. What a sweetie!

We're going to Milwaukee this weekend to see Gail and Ted and I hear a Brewers game is in the plans. We always look forward to these trips.

Thanks for joining me in my journey.

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