About Me

My photo
Naperville, Illinois, United States
Wife, mother, grandmother, aunt, sister, in-law, cousin, friend, gardner, golfer, animal and nature enthusiast.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Hair Day

I'll never have to say I have a bad hair day for the next four months or so! Today was the day for my buzz. Jay and I both got our hair buzzed and except for the mirrors, I don't notice a difference. It's kind of empowering to say "hair be gone" on my rules, instead of chemo's rules.

I had my white cell blood count done this morning, but I won't know the count until tomorrow morning. Tomorrow morning, I start the process to have my genes tested (BRAC). So, I'll let you know how that goes and how long it takes, etc. The white cell count is important so I can go out to eat, shop, be in crowds without getting sick -- oh, yeah, and it has to be high enough for my next chemo treatment.

In the meantime, I golfed yesterday and had an awesome putting day - 15 putts for nine holes. Celebrate the small things and today, on my second visit to the Occupational Therapist, I graduated with full right arm motion! Every little victory is sweet.

Take care everyone and enjoy the weather when you can.


dgwolfe said...

Bald is beautiful!!


funkalope said...

Wow Mom! Who knew you had such a perfectly round noggin! Just think -- we might have never found this out about you!

Our love hugs and kisses,
jason robin maya + jonah

margiesorlien said...

Hi Dee, You look really cute with your head shaved. Jaye had hair down to her waist when we shaved her head.I am so proud of you. Keep on trucking and remember each day you are one day closer to being done.I'll call you this weekend.Love and hugs Cousin Margie

Unknown said...

Hi Dee, Noah Wilcox checking in! I traded emails with Jason yesterday and he sent me a link to your blog. I have to say that the baldness becomes you quite well.

Stay strong! You and yours are in our thoughts and prayers!


yuppie said...

Good for you Mom! Now we can see where David gets his big noggin from. All that brain power.

We love you and look forward to many play dates in your garden.

Love from David, Jess & John

sayraytay said...

you look great!
