About Me

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Naperville, Illinois, United States
Wife, mother, grandmother, aunt, sister, in-law, cousin, friend, gardner, golfer, animal and nature enthusiast.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

White Cell Count

My white cell count is in and the chemo appears to be doing it's job. Normal white cell counts are 3.8 - 10.8, mine was 1.4. Which means I'm in the "extremely high risk of infection" zone. That means no crowds, going out to eat, raw or rare meats to eat, some fresh veggies are out, blah, blah, blah. No friends, grandbabies, kids, with runny noses or other springtime bugs. ): Lots of hand washing and more rules, rules, rules.

I'm content to wait it out here at home for now, thankfully, there is on-line shopping! I seem to be keeping the UPS guy busy. It's only until close to the end of July, then chemo will be done.
I'll have another blood check next Wednesday and hopefully, my white cell count will be rebounding. I'll keep you posted.

It's a beautiful Saturday here. Jay is out golfing. We had coffee and read the newspapers on the deck before he left. He is planning on grilling steaks for our dinner. We'll see how I like medium to medium well steak. I'm thinking not much as of right now, but we'll see. My favorite is a filet, medium rare with bleu cheese sprinkled on top. Hmmmm, I'm looking forward to August for that.

Have a great weekend everyone and thank you all so much for your support. I love reading the comments. Noah, what a nice surprise to hear from you. I hope your family is doing well!

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