About Me

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Naperville, Illinois, United States
Wife, mother, grandmother, aunt, sister, in-law, cousin, friend, gardner, golfer, animal and nature enthusiast.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Nice Week

The days have gone by this past week as if I don't have cancer. How nice. I golfed Tuesday with my ladies' league (nine holes) and Thursday with Jay (eighteen holes). I had a great time both days. It seems that my white cell count has kicked into high gear. I really haven't slowed down this past week (ask Jay).

We've worked in the yard, deck and garden. Yesterday, with the high 40+ mile per hour winds, my six cacti plants were all thrown to the deck and smashed. We salvaged them all and I re potted most of them. They're all sitting huddled behind a wall on the deck wondering what the heck happened to them!

The rest of the yard and gardens are looking great. We're eating radishes that Jay planted, they're hot, but fun to have from the garden.

Life is good. Here's hoping all of you are having a wonderful week.

1 comment:

yuppie said...

Hooray Grandma/Mom!

We look forward to seeing you again. We picked up a pool for David today, but the thunderstorms and a nap put its use on hold until later.

We miss you and Grandpa and look forward to seeing you soon.

Love, David, Yuppie and John