About Me

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Naperville, Illinois, United States
Wife, mother, grandmother, aunt, sister, in-law, cousin, friend, gardner, golfer, animal and nature enthusiast.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Naperville Ladies Tournament

Today I played an eighteen hole tournament for the City of Naperville with my friends. I believe there were 77 women playing in four different flights. I received Runner Up in my flight "C" (last flight), so I brought home a baby plate to match the big plate I won in 2005. That was fun. Jay said the "C" flight signified 'cancer' for 08. So be it.

It was a beautiful day and the pure joy of being outside, hitting that little ball to the next hole was great fun. I know not everyone looks at it that way, but I saw plenty of wildlife, smiles and friends to make it a great day.

On to tomorrow for my regular nine-hole ladies league and as much fun as today, just a shorter time commitment.

Good days to all of you.


funkalope said...

Mom that's awesome. Congrats on Runner Up!

yuppie said...

Way to go mom! You're going to need to get a trophy cabinet.

Can't wait to see you again.

We love you.