About Me

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Naperville, Illinois, United States
Wife, mother, grandmother, aunt, sister, in-law, cousin, friend, gardner, golfer, animal and nature enthusiast.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Hi everyone, please use this blog to send me any messages and to keep up to date on my medical dealings.

My lumpectomy surgery is scheduled for Friday, April 11, at Edward Hospital here in Naperville. It is scheduled for same day surgery, pending any complications, which we (and the surgeon) are not expecting. I should be home in the evening.


Dee said...

Yesterday, Jay and I sat on our deck without jackets relaxing in the sun. Today, the first day of spring, it's snowing. I guess that's just how life is, as long as we're alive, we know it's going to change.

I want to tell everyone that right now, I'm not anxious about my surgery, but I am anxious about the follow-up procedures, radiation and chemo. However, my general practioner called us yesterday and reassured us that Naperville at the Edward Cancer Center was definitely the place to be for the best treatment. We had asked the surgeon the same question and he assured us this was the place to be.

Edward Cancer Center is staffed by professionals who have worked at the best hospitals in the Chicago area and are very skilled. Both my surgeon and general practitioner as well as qualified friends, helped us choose an oncologist to match my medical needs and my personality.

So far, my experience has been A+ with the kind, caring radiologist and staff in the mammography center and the kind, caring surgeon and his staff, as well as my general pratitioner who found the cancer.

I beleive that if I had to have breast cancer, this is right time and place for me to have it and be cured. I have my family, friends, medical support, all within five minutes or less by computer. Nice to have the computer age, too!

The best reassurance my surgeon keeps giving us is that "this breast cancer is NOT going to kill me, I'll be here until I'm 97". Stay tuned.

Think Spring!

yuppie said...

Cool blog mom. I'm so proud of you putting this together. We all love you so much. We had a great lunch with you today. So many new things for David - coloring, lox, cucumbers, strawberries, cookies. Big day! :)

margiesorlien said...

This is cousin Karen. Will be thinking about you tomorrow and sending prayers. Margaret is here visiting in between haircuts and were, of course, talking about you. Sorry you even have to go thru somthing like this, but once you get started on your treatments, you will see that light at the end of the tunnel - then the time will pass and things will be better.
Hi Dee, I did write last night but know we hold you close to our hearts. We love you.Gods blessings to you.Love Cousin's Margaret and Karen