About Me

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Naperville, Illinois, United States
Wife, mother, grandmother, aunt, sister, in-law, cousin, friend, gardner, golfer, animal and nature enthusiast.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Getting Close to the finish line

Hi everyone. I have only six more radiation treatments to go, one full force tomorrow and then five boosts (just to the area where the cancer was found) and I'll be done on September 8. I'm still doing well, a little sunburned, but the doctor thinks I'm doing great considering how fair skinned I am.

Our biggest excitement this week was Maya's first day at kindergarten. She's such a pumpkin and was so cute in the pictures her parents sent us. We'll see her and her brother this Saturday morning along with her parents, Jason and Robin, and their two new kittens, Dash and Bandit. Maya's brother, Jonah starts preschool next week on the 2nd of September. They are getting sooo big!

Jessica and her son, David, were over last Sunday to celebrate a belated birthday for Jay (Papa). Jason's family couldn't come over because of a virus that they were passing around, gotta save Grandma from getting sick so close to the end. Thank you, my Funk family!

This weekend, two of Jay's three sisters are visiting us. Sandi and family are visiting from Bettendorf, while Ray and Taylor run a race downtown Chicago on Sunday. Gail is driving down from Milwaukee area to visit all of us on Sunday, too. We're looking forward to a fun weekend.

Have a fun three day weekend everyone! I'll talk to you soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lesia and I are thrilled you are doing so well. You have the support of wonderful family and friends. We wish Arkansas was closer allowing us to stop and visit with you and Jay. It is great to hear you will be finished with radiation in plenty of time to travel to Wrigley Field for the World Series!

Our prayers continue to be with you as you finish September 8. We pray the very best for you and Jay.
Jeff & Lesia