About Me

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Naperville, Illinois, United States
Wife, mother, grandmother, aunt, sister, in-law, cousin, friend, gardner, golfer, animal and nature enthusiast.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Three down, one more to go

Today's chemo treatment was uneventful -- thankfully! No reactions, just drip, drip, drip. Last chemo treatment is scheduled for July 9 - YEAH! Then I'll have my radiation for seven weeks. We're not sure when that starts, but I'll let everyone know after June 30, when we meet with the radiologist again.

We're having beautiful weather here, tomorrow Jay and I will be golfing in the morning. He's getting ready for a trip in July and I'm getting ready for the Ladies City Tournament on Monday.

Take care everyone and be good to yourselves.


yuppie said...

It was great to spend at least part of the day with you guys. I was glad to see how great the Cancer Center is - cheery and upbeat for sure. And I'm glad that you managed to eat the brownie that I cut into bite size toddler pieces. Funny how quickly that has become the way I do things. Obviously I got home after a couple of stops. I tried to get one thing done for work, but had some user error on the computer and lost the brillant memo I had written. Crap. Oh well, back to the drawing board tomorrow. Can't wait to see you again - next time with David. He sure loves his Grandma, Grandpa and those kitties. LHK - yuppie

margiesorlien said...

Hi Dee, One more treatment...good for you. Robyn has done so well with her first one and hopefully she will do good with the others. 5 more to go.I am going to call you tonight. We had my granddaughters graduation party this weekend...busy, busy.I think back to when this all started and here you are almost 3 fourths of the way through.Love and hugs, Margie