About Me

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Naperville, Illinois, United States
Wife, mother, grandmother, aunt, sister, in-law, cousin, friend, gardner, golfer, animal and nature enthusiast.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

New Year

We're in the new year and everything seems to be white in the midwest. We must like the snow and cold because we're still living here! Truthfully, I think it makes spring, summer, and fall all the better to enjoy when you have such extremes.

Speaking of new, I'm putting a picture of my hair as it continues to grow! I'm learning how to do "curly" hair. I've always wanted curly and now it appears that I'm to be curly for the rest of my life. Same color and white highlights, we'll have to see if the sun bleaches it out when I start getting out in the sun. The hair is a hoot!

I'm also putting our Christmas 08 picture on for everyone to see my beautiful family. I thank God every day that we're all here and enjoying life.

Think spring and plan your gardens, they're hoping we're thinking of them.

1 comment:

yuppie said...

Great new photos maman! I love your new hair. Can't wait for our weekly dinner. David will be excited to tell you that he gets 2 chocolates, now that he is 2. :)