About Me

My photo
Naperville, Illinois, United States
Wife, mother, grandmother, aunt, sister, in-law, cousin, friend, gardner, golfer, animal and nature enthusiast.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Conquered Cancer

Hello to all my family and friends who have followed along with my journey to fight and conquer my breast cancer. Hallelujah, my final radiation treatment was today and as of right now, I am CANCER FREE and LOVING IT!

This won't be my last post, but it does feel like an ending of sorts, so I want to say thank you all for your prayers, words of encouragement, cards, calls, flowers and companionship since my cancer diagnosis on March 18, 2008. This has been quite the year and I cherish every one's prayers, concern, thoughts, and helpful hints. To my immediate and extended family, all of you in my circle of friends, and great medical care providers; you lifted my spirits, destroyed the cancer in me and kept me focused on healing, THANK YOU.

My humble 'thank you' is not enough to let you all know how much you have meant to me during my journey. Thank you for walking with me, knowing I was not alone and could call on any one of you for help was of great comfort to me.

My warmest thank you is to my husband. You have been my strength through this darkeness to the discovery of a bright tomorrow -- ours, you are the love of my life. All my love forever.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Just so everyone knows, my final radiation will be on Tuesday, September 9, instead of the 8th. The big machine was down two Friday's ago, so a day was added on to the end. Oh, well, best laid plans seem to get reconfigured sometimes.

However, everything is going well and we're all anxious for all these appointments to be somewhat done. I hear that I'll be seeing everyone doctor, surgeon, oncologist, radiologist every three months for a long time, but, that's okay as long as the cancer is gone and stays gone.

Have a great weekend everyone.